
Social Media Is Corrupt
They Run Our Lives & The World

Big tech comapnies consume a majority of our waking hours. They've used algorithms to addict and manipulate all of humanity. They hate free speech, and stomp ALL OVER the natural rights of the little guy.

Pro-Freedom Replacement
For FB, IG, Twitch, Amazon, & School.

Friends & Family
Connect with friends and family, share the guud, and be uplifted.

Social Groups
Connect with your local co-op, friend group, or create one around shared interests.

Promote Your Business
Own a business? Are you a creator? A streamer? Create a public page on Guud!

Teach A Course
Selling a course? We offer lessons, quests, video & audio tools for any course.

Guud is currently invite only! Sign up to get an invite...

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Time To Be Good!
A New Way To Interact With Creators & Followers

Creators & Businesses can create Guud Quests for followers to complete & earn points. Use social to do Guud, not just consume mindless media! Quests usually ask followers to post an image or video along with a caption.

Sign Up For Free!

A Safe Place For All Family Members
Don't Co-Parent With Big Tech

Spouse + 10 Kids
Every family can have up to 12 accounts (you, spouse, kids). Paid? Every family member inherits the benefits.

Socialize Safely
Adults can't add youth as friends. Youth don't see ads. Parents can login to their children's accounts.

Reduce Bots
Social media can be dangerous. Invite only & paid will help solve that problem!

Founder Membership for $249 /yr
Why Become A Founding Member?

Split 10% Of Revenue
Founding Members will be in a 10% earning pool for Guud Revenue! Payout split will occur monthly & based on Founder Points. Revenue comes from multiple sources & websites.

Make Money Sharing!
Founding membership earns you a top spot in our affiliate network called Amblify. We share 30% of every transaction, which is split on a multi-level basis, so it's good to get a top spot!

AI Funnel Building
Want a website? Our tool is a world class AI funnel & website builder. We host it, and you can make money promoting products, getting leads, drop shipping, or selling your own products.

Sign Up Now

Build Your Own Social Network
Guud Social Engine

Be Your Own Elon Musk.
No need for a million billion dollars. Your web domain, your community.
Guud is more than a social network, you can build a social network using our engine!

Full Featured
Guud is a great social network, and EVERY feature we develop, is available to your network
Launch In One Business Day
Yep. If you can transfer a domain, provide a logo, icons, and a few other details, you're ready to rock.
Your Social Network must promote Freedom, Liberty & Goodness. You must also be a Founding Member of Guud.

Robust Opportunity Engine
Why Upgrade To A Founder Account?

1. Earn A Share Of 10% Revenue (Sources Below)

2. Guud Pays Back!

  Sell products: Earn Fruit (5% fees - 2% to Inviter)
  Guud Store: Invite brands: Earn 2% of transaction in Fruit (for life)
  Teach courses on Guud & charge per student
  Charge for private groups you create
  Invite: 10% affiliate
  Ads: Invite users: 1% of any ad transaction for life
  Ads: Invite brands: 1% of ad transactions for life
  Ads: Invite websites to host ads: 1% of ad transactions for life
  Ads: 4% of transactions (from ads) onyour content & Guud Quests

Sign Up Now!

Our Values & Promise To You
The Guud Manifesto

You won't win a the battle for good, fighting on the devil's battlefield.
All major social media websites are owned, controlled, or heavily influenced by agencies and companies who are pushing hard censorship, control, and addicting mankind. Even ones that claim otherwise, have institutional investors and venture capital firms backing them that care very little about the cause of goodness.

You can't build a real community on their playground/platforms without risking censure or exploitation. One where you have to alter words to not get banned. We want to create a new playground, one where the next generation can flourish & thrive and not just be addicted to media. A place where speaking what used to be SIMPLE truths, should NOT ban your account.

While we respect efforts by websites like Gab, Rumble, or X/Twitter to support free speech, we decided that endless bots, nudity, scammers, and their ilk are not worth the sacrifice. We care more about protecting our children, and creating a place that is pro-humanity, where they can be hopeful about the future.

Join Us Now!