
Money Grown Straight From The Vine

Fruit = Guud Currency System

Fruit is the currency we use within the Guud website. You can earn Fruit, you can give Fruit, buy products with Fruit, and you can buy Fruit. 100 Fruit = $1.00. The Guud Ad Network is a way for you to earn Fruit. All commissions are rewarded in Fruit Paid accounts can cash out Fruit weekly.

Guud Fruit is NOT a "Crypto-currency", Security, or Shares. Many platforms like Facebook, Twitch, Apple, and Fortnite have their own currencies.

Paid Account? Earn Fruit & Cash Out
Sell Products, Give Freely, or Keep Earning

Charge For A Course
Know something? Teach a course on Guud! We offer lessons, quests, video, & audio tools for any course. One time $10 fee to charge.

Invite & Earn
Earn 10% commission for every paid referral that signs up for Guud! This comission is paid out in Fruit. Founding member? Your revenue split is based on referral points

Promote Your Business
Sell products on Guud with Fruit! We're seeding members with the currency, and this is the ONLY place to use them!

Guud Ads
When we split money with users for ads, the payout is in Guud Fruit. Click here to learn more!

Founder? Earn A Split of 10% Of Guud Revenue

At the end of every month, Founding Members will earn an a split of 10% revenue based referral points. The more Fruit you have saved, the more Fruit you earn. Transfer Fruit have earned in your pages & courses to your personal account.

The intent is that we want the supply and usage of Guud Fruit to increase in order to create a thriving community on Guud.

Register Now!

Want A Founding Membership? Register Now!