
Our Values & Promise To You
The Guud Manifesto

You won't win a righteous battle fighting on the devil's battlefield.
All major social media websites are owned, controlled, or heavily influenced by agencies and companies who are pushing hard for The Great Reset. Even ones that claim otherwise, have institutional investors and venture capital firms backing them that care very little about the cause of Guudness.

You can't build a Resistance to that future on their playground/platforms. One where you have to alter words like 'Vaccine' to 'Vaxx', because THEY own the agenda. We want to create a new playground, one where the next generation can flourish & thrive. A place where speaking what used to be SIMPLE truths, should NOT ban your account.

While we respect efforts by websites like Gab, Truth, Parlor, Rumble, and Twitter to support free speech, we decided that endless bots, nudity, scammers, and their ilk are not worth the sacrifice. We care more about protecting our children, and creating a place that is pro-family, where they can be hopeful about the future.

A list of our values and promises to YOU

1. We believe that the family unit should be together, happy, and free, and not slaves to systems we have supported, preached, and propagaded for far too long. We will support you in your efforts to free your family! We will do all that we can to make that dream a possibility!

2. We believe Venture Capital, Wall Street, Public Schools, and other traditional institutions have been fully compromised and corrupted. We will not involve ourselves in their world.

3. No traditional investment company would be interested in a company that returns much of its revenue to the community. Guud will thrive or die by that practice.

4. We are NOT free speech absolutionists. We respect and honor the truth, HOWEVER content that contains nudity, extreme violence, and harrassing individuals is NOT something we want to protect.

5. We believe that social media should not be full of endless bot accounts, scammers, and spammers and will fight to keep them off our platform.

6. We believe strongly that homeschooling and unschooling is achievable for all American families. We want to build a platform that enables that kind of service.

7. We believe in the sanctity of life, and the support of a quality life, and will use Guud to support both of those ends.

8. We respect ALL faith traditions that honor and love God. For generations, we have allowed satan to divide faithful believers. Is correct doctrine important? Yes. But the bigger battle is against the forces of darkness that are literally attempting to destroy an ENTIRE GENERATION!! Personally, we believe that Jesus is the Way, The Truth, and The Life. But we believe that ALL and ANY faith in God is a positive path forward that is worthy of promotion and protection.

9. We believe we can overcome evil with light, guudness, and faith in God. Which is why even though we believe it is PARAMOUNT to protect our children from gender ideology, we can win that battle by disagreeing with love WHILE standing firm in our beliefs.

10. We want EVERY Guud business in America on the Guud platform so they can sell their products with LOW FEES (5% total, with 1/3 going to Guud).

Guud will thrive or die by those principles, and will only thrive if YOU join us on our mission!

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